Submission Guidelines


The journal follows a strict selection policy. All submitted contributions are reviewed by two reviewers in a blind peer-review process. Reviewers are unaware of the authors’ identity and vice versa. They review methodology, style, formal criteria and content of the submissions. The authors are informed about the result of the selection process within two months.

Submitted papers are preferred to be 18 000 to 40 000 characters (with spaces) in length.

Submitted reviews are preferred to be 1 800 to 5 000 characters (with spaces) in length.


We accept articles written in Slovak, Czech, German, Russian, French, Spanish, Italian, Hungarian and Polish.


Microsoft Word 2007/2010/2013 — *.DOCX


Palatino Linotype, 12 points, spacing 1.15


Paragraph indent: 1.5 cm (except for the initial paragraph)



Title and keywords:

TITLE OF THE PAPER (bold, capital letters, 12 points, centered, spacing 1.15)

Empty line (1.15)

Author’s name (bold, 12 points, left indent, spacing 1.15)


Empty line below (1.15)




empty line (1.15)

Vladimír Biloveský

4 – 7 key words both in English and in the language of the paper, abstract in English (max. 150 words)


Palatino Linotype, 12 points, spacing 1.15; empty line after each chapter (or sub-chapter), no page numbering.


  • Works cited (in alphabetical order)
  • Author’s name, affiliation, e-mail


  • If necessary, use footnotes (no endnotes).

Use italics for analysed examples; if necessary, use bold. Do not use underlining.


  • Palatino Linotype, bold, 12 points, spacing 1, left-aligned
  • The bibliography should be divided between “electronic sources” and “print sources”, with each section in alphabetical order.

Citations should be formatted according to the type of publication as follows:


BÄRTSCH, A. 2009. Schweizer Feste und Bräuche – Volksfestkultur im Jahreslauf. 292 p. ISBN 9783859280779.

BASNNETT, S. 2002. Translation Studies (third edition). London and New York : Routledge. 176 p. ISBN 0-203-44079-X.

HRDLIČKA, M. 2003. Literární překlad a komunikace. Praha : ISV nakladatelství. 152 p. ISBN 80-86642-13-5.

RAKŠÁNYIOVÁ, J. 2005. Preklad ako interkultúrna komunikácia. Bratislava : Ana Press. 71 p. ISBN: 80-89137-09-1.

SZYMANDERSKA, H. 2003. Polskie tradycje świąteczne. Warszawa : Świat Książki. 336 p. ISBN 83-7391-309-2.

VILIKOVSKÝ, J. 1984. Preklad ako tvorba. Bratislava : Slovenský spisovateľ. 240 p.

Journal articles:

LIAŠUK, V. 2001. Obrazno-stilističeskije osobennosti belorusskich i slovackich skazok. Problemy prerevoda. In: Slavica Slovaca, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 97–103.

OCHMAN, K. 2013. Translation Criticism in Ancient Rome. Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights Przekładaniec. In: A Journal of Literary Translation Special Issue (2013), pp. 71–86.

VILIKOVSKÝ, J. 1980. Preklad jazykovej špecifiky. In: Revue svetovej literatúry, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 170–176.

ZAMBOR, J. 1987. Kritika básnického prekladu dnes. In: Romboid, vol. XXII, no. 9, pp. 15–20.

ПЛОТНИКОВА, A. A. 2012. Словацкая народная традиция в этнолингвистическом аспекте (карпато-балканские исследования). In: Slavica Slovaca, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 97–103.

Edited volumes:

DOLNÍK, J. 2007. Jazykoveda a prekladateľ. In: Translatológia a jej súvislosti 2/Translation Studies and its Contexts 2. Banská Bystrica : Fakulta humanitných vied UMB, pp. 10–26.

VILIKOVSKÝ, J. 2001. Slovenské preklady Poeovho Havrana. In: Preklad a tlmočenie 3. Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej konferencie v dňoch 20. a 21. júna 2001 v Banskej Bystrici. Banská Bystrica : Filologická fakulta UMB, pp. 12–40.

Reference works:

DORUĽA, J. [et al.], 2003. Krátky slovník slovenského jazyka. Bratislava : Veda. 985 p. ISBN 80-224-0750-X.

Electronic sources:

HUMPOLC, J. 2001. The machines for “green works” in vineyards and their economical evaluation. In: 9th International Conference: proceedings. Vol. 2. Fruit Growing and viticulture [CD-ROM]. Košice : Technical University in Košice, 2001, pp. 262–268.

KEHOE, M. – PITKOW, E. 1996. Surveying the Territory: GVU’s Five WWW User Surveys. In: The World Wide Web Journal, Vol. 1, no. 3, 1996 [cit. 2011-09-14], pp. 77–84. URL: <>.

KRIŠTOFIČOVÁ, E. – JURČACKOVÁ, Z. 1999. Terminologický slovník z knižničnej a informačnej vedy. [CD-Rom]. Bratislava : Stimul, 1999. ISBN 80-88982-12-X.


  • If the names of the authors or of the paper is not in a Latin script, Romanization is recommended.

NEKRYLOVA, A. – SHANGINA, I. 2015. Russkije prazdniki. St. Petersburg : Azbuka-Attikus. 1020 p. ISBN 978-5-389-11816-4.


Submissions are to be sent to and simultaneously to

Deadlines for submissions are July 1 and November 1 respectively. All articles are reviewed by the editors and by two other reviewers in a double-blind reviewing procedure.

By submitting a contribution for publication in Kritika prekladu (Translation Criticism), the authors of the text give consent to the publication of the article in the electronic archive of the journal, which can be accessed openly via the journal’s website.